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Justice-Impacted Individuals often face numerous barriers upon reentry into the community. J.I.I.V.E is dedicated to addressing these challenges and advocating for equitable solutions. Explore our positions on the following key issues:

  1. The Term Offender: J.I.I.V.E. has removed the term offender from titles given to those exiting prison and claimed the term Justice Impacted Individuals. The term Justice Impacted Individual reflects the harm caused by the "War on Drugs," and predatorial enslavement of our youth.

  2. Equity in Reentry (Restoration of Humanity): Justice-Impacted Individuals deserve a fair shot at rebuilding their lives post-incarceration. Explore our initiatives to ensure that reentry is marked by opportunities, not barriers.

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  3. Livable Wages for All: Gainful employment is a fundamental right. Discover our efforts to secure livable wages for Justice Impacted Individuals, facilitating both financial independence and societal contribution.

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  4. Progressive Justice Solutions: From pre-trial processes to MNDOC violation hearings, we champion reforms that emphasize rehabilitation over punishment. Dive deeper into our stance on creating a just system.

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    Housing and Employment Non-Discrimination: No individual should face housing or job discrimination due to past convictions. Learn about our call to ban lifetime bars and discriminatory practices in these crucial areas.

  5.  [Read More]


  6.  Peer-led Reentry Reform: Who better to guide reentry than those who've walked the path? Discover our peer-led programs designed to ease the transition back into the community for Justice-Impacted Individuals.

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 6. Restoring Voting Rights: Democracy thrives when all voices are heard. Delve into our mission to restore voting rights to every eligible Justice-Impacted Individual in Minnesota.

 Interested in learning more or joining our cause?

Come JIIVE with Us


© 2023 Justice Impact Individuals Voting Effectively (J.I.I.V.E) is a 501(c)(4) registered non-profit social welfare organization and does not support or oppose any political candidate or party.
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